Suggested Reading

Young Puppy Socialization

General Training and Philosophy
- The one thing every dog owner should know about how to train a dog - Article: The Ultimate Dog Training Tip
- An excellent primer on properly stuffing a Kong!
- Article: Don't Walk the Dog: Why walking your reactive dog might be making things worse by Meagan Karnes
- Why Taking Lots of Breaks In Training is Good for the Dog! The Pause That Refreshes by Patricia McConnell
- Understanding how a person earns the reputation as a great trainer, and what separates a great trainer from an average trainer? The Top 10 Behaviours of Expert Animal Trainers by Steve Martin
- Beyond the Backyard - Train Your Dog to Listen Anytime, Anywhere! by Denise Fenzi. A MUST have for anyone who trains dogs - from pet owners to professionals. Fenzi covers the theory and philosophy of training, the practical how-to in the real world, and problem-solving and troubleshooting. There is nothing else like this that comes close to explaining how to move along in your training so that you have a very well trained dog!
- Excellent overview of marker training by
- Barbara Shumannfang: Puppy Savvy: The Pocket Guide to Raising Your Dog Without Going Bonkers
- Suzanne Clothier, Bones Would Rain from the Sky ISBN 0-446-52593-6
- Suzanne Clothier, Finding a Balance: Issues of Power in the Dog/Human Relationship ISBN 0-9646529-6-X
- Suzanne Clothier, The Seven C's: A Guide to Training and Relationships ISBN 0-9646529-3-5
- Suzanne Clothier, Understanding & Teaching Self Control ISBN 0-9646529-5-1
- Ian Dunbar, Dog Behavior ISBN 0-87605-236-7
- Dee Ganley, Changing People Changing Dogs ISBN 978-0-9802228-0-07
- Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D., The Other End of the Leash, ISBN 0-345-44679-8
- Pat Miller, The Power of Positive Dog Training ISBN 0-7645-3609-5
- Learning is all about how the animal in front of you responds to what you do: Why the "force free" label is a poor choice for describing what I DO as a trainer
Why "Alpha" and Dominance Theories are Outdated and Harmful
- Article: Why Won't Dominance Die? Why the pack and dominance theory of domestic dogs is a harmful meme that perpetuates misunderstanding and misery for dogs and owners
- Peter Goldenthal, PhD,ABPP: My Client Wants to Be Sure That His Dog Knows Who Is the Alpha: Seriously? - A straightforward explanation of why the dominance or "alpha" myth persists (PDF)
- AVSAB Position Statement - The Use of Punishment for Behavior Modification in Animals (PDF).
- Article: Dog whispering in the 21st century by Prescott Breeden
- Lisa Mullinax, CPDT, The Dog Whisperer: Frequently Asked Questions, an article originally published in
- 10 Life Threatening Behavior Myths by Valarie V. Tynes, DVM, DACVB
- Exerting "dominance" over your dog is the wrong way to build a good relationship by Pat Miller, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, CDBC, in The Whole Dog Journal

Dog Adoption Information
Therapy Dog Training
Health and Family Dog Training
Ideas and Critical Thinking
Behavior and Biological Information
- Article: Most pet dogs are fearful or anxious, study shows
- Article: Are You Your Dogs Benevolent Leader
- Article: Dog Dog Interactions and Understanding Body Language - When does play stop being play?
- The Fearful Dog: Causes and Treatment - By Karen Fazio, New Jersey Pets on NJ.COM
- Article: Myth of Reinforcing Fear by Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D. and Daniel Q. Estep, Ph.D. at
- Susan Friedman, Ph.D., Behavior Works: Trainers with Jackhammers Need Not Apply
- John Paul Scott and John L. Fuller, Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog ISBN 0-226-74338-1
- Excellent information and advice for those who live with or are working with a scared or shy dog
- Article: What is My Dog Trying to Tell Me? in
- Article: If You're Aggressive, Your Dog Will Be Too, Says Veterinary Study in
- Good Science: Skinner's Functional Relations and Dog Training, a very readable examination of why the science of behavior analysis matters in dog training (PDF). Published in CCPDT's January/February 2015 newsletter "The Scoop." Reproduced with permission.
- How our genetics can be controlled by factors other than our DNA sequence: scientists now think that our experiences can change the way the genetic code of our children is translated by the body.
- Article: It Makes No Sense to Punish Your Fearful Dog in Psychology Today
- Video: How do dogs "see" with their noses? - Alexandra Horowitz
Early Spay-Neuter Information
Ring Success
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